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User Roles

Users can be assigned to any combination of region, sites, site type, and user role. Let's go over these different criteria:

  • Region & Site - Refers to the region and site that a permission should have responsibility over. If a user is assigned to a region, they will have access to all sites within that region. If a user is assigned to specific sites, they will be able to view and conduct other actions related to that site.

  • Site Type - Refers to the type of the site. Sites can be categorized by type and the site type can also be used as a user permission setting. Site type can also be assigned in combination with region permissions as needed.

  • User Role - Refers to the level of permission the user has and what actions they are allowed or not allowed to take. The details about the differences in user roles are covered below.

User Roles

In any project, users can hold any number of roles at various levels of permission. The highest level of permission will apply in the event that overlapping roles are assigned. Assigning higher levels of permission includes access to roles beneath that level of permission. Here are the roles supported by Zite Manager listed in order of access and permission:




A Project Owner is the highest level of access within the system.


There can be different types of manager within a project that give users access to change over various settings, reports, user permissions, and site information. See the manager table below for more information on this. Manager permissions must be applied at project level and cannot be given at an site, region or site type level.


Reviewers have access to all of the below for the sites and regions they are assigned but can additionally review case information, meaning change the status of a case, add a comment or change any of the custom fields.


Editors have access to Project & Site dashboards based on the sites and regions they have been assigned. With this access they can edit a case but they cannot review information (change status, add comment or edit custom fields related to a case).

Mobile User

Mobile users are staff who have access to the mobile application but not the Project or Site dashboards in the web application.


Viewers have access to view data but cannot add, edit, or change data related to a project in any way. They also cannot change or see project settings.


There are several different types of manager role that can be assigned to a user. This is useful if you want to assign access to change some project settings but not all of them. Project Managers, regardless of their type, have access to see all sites and regions.


Can add, remove and edit forms and their associated settings within a project.


Can create, share, and edit reports for the project. Report Managers do not have access over all reports, only reports that have been shared with them.


User Managers can create users and add/edit their permissions in a project.

Sites and Regions

Site & Region Managers can create and edit site and region information related to their project. To assign a manager to a specific site or region. You need to select "Manager" role and then apply to permission only to the site or region they are responsible. This will not provide them project level manager permissions - only permissions over those specific sites and regions.